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Holy crapballs, it’s 2019 already. Kinda was feeling like January lasted at least 5 months – it just dragged and dragged.

Okay, so it’s (Aunt Becky) rocking the mike to tell you allllll the stuff that’s been going on since we resurrected The Band in June of 2018. It’s a lot: take what you need and leave the rest.

First, let’s start at the beginning:

With the help of Jess Green and now Rosalie, we managed to pull about 2000 posts from the Wayback Machine, to add to our archives. See – we lost any access to the old backend while I was homeless, so the only way we can get stuff added from the past is to copy and paste them into a new post. That’s why they’re all anonymous and may have comments from ages ago.

We’ve also been working to create a stable Board of Directors to manage this nonprofit properly, which means a whole ton of writing different (read: boring) things so that we’ve got our ducks in a proverbial row. I only wish we had REAL ducks, but alas, Nathan said no to my idea.

Ducks or none, I’m working on the page for the board of directors so you can meet us as well!

The resource pages are still my big baby, so I’ve been working on them as I can. I think I’ve done maybe a hundred so far? The reason this is draaggggiiiing on is because I’m auditing them and filling them with more information, and I’m still working with The Board to get our volunteer framework created.

Speaking of that? If you’d like to help out on and around the site, we really really do need your help. If you care to, please sign up here on this google document and you’ll hear from us soon.

Things worthy of note (that we’re in the process of fixing):

  • Links within the pages/posts – I know they don’t work. I’m thinking about possibly changing to a Wiki Plugin, but I’m PRETTY sure the name’s the beginning and the ending of my knowledge.
  • A new landing page and a more easily organized and intuitive way to use the site
  • Moving server hosts – we currently have three – I’d like to be down to one quite soon
  • Our developer is working to create a different layout with a new theme so that we can just paste it on up when we’re done
  • Getting our social media team sorted and organized
  • I personally am working to get gsuite for nonprofits for us, but it’s taken me 3 weeks so far, and nada
  • Forums for the site

And about a zillion other things I can’t quite remember.

This month, we have a bunch of different prompts for you guys (you do NOT have to use them – we accept all submissions. If you’d prefer to be anonymous, that’s fine, please go here.It’s also Black History Month, and we at The Band support diversity. We would appreciate any stories about discrimination (of any form) and anything else you’d like to discuss.

It’s heart health month, so we’d love any stories about any cardiac issues you or a loved one have been through, or maybe just a “here’s how I stay heart healthy.”

It’s also, on Band Back Together, Mood Disorders Month. I know a lot of us struggle with these (raises hand) and along with being isolating, mood disorders can make us feel alone. Let’s show everyone that they’re not alone.

Here are the resources I have created thus far for Mood Disorders (this will be added to this post as I eke out time for it):

Mood Disorders

Major Depressive Disorder

Living with Major Depressive Disorder

Bipolar Disorders

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Still Missing Resource Pages:

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Postpartum Depression


It’s teen domestic violence month, which means that we’re asking for stories about those affected by teen violence.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Formerly Childhood Bipolar Disorder)

What else do you think the site needs?

Mic Drop