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Now it’s time to help this woman with her daughter’s anxiety:
Hey The Band,
Does anyone in the group have a child with anxiety? My daughter is six and we are trying to get her back in with a child therapist to see what is going on and how to help her best manage her anxiety.
I am stressed about it all and I would love to hear from someone who has been through it.
Thank you!
I had crippling anxiety as a child. My mom never let me use it as an excuse not to do something. I HATED her for it at the time, and thought she was pure evil. But looking back it was the best thing she could have done for me. I’m 42 now, and still get crazy anxious. I never let it stop me from doing anything. Sometimes that means I’m puking in the parking lot before I go in somewhere, but I go in. It’s served me well. I sometimes think how different my life would be if I was a kid now. Now, I think I’d be taught to manage my anxiety but that it was OK to feel anxious and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. I worry that it’s a disservice to our kids. The anxiety isn’t goinf away. We have to learn to function with it.
Yes, I realize this an unpopular opinion.