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Latest Victory

I’m not sure if I deserve a pat on the back or a really good nap, but either way I’m proud of me.

Since last Thursday, things seem to have just started to topple over completely within my family, and I’ve managed to keep it together and make sure that not only are those who need to be okay are okay, but that I am, too.

Yes, this is going to take a hot minute or months to take care of, but I didn’t lose it and I didn’t break!  I’m proud of that.

Now if I could only sleep.


I wrote the above about 2.5 weeks ago after my youngest got another medical diagnosis and something major happened that I can’t talk about yet.  (Nothing to do with medical diagnosis.)

Then, once I got done what needed to be done, it seemed like the shit show appeared with spring break for the kids. I ended up in the ER for a severe migraine that met my IIH (Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, which is high blood pressure on your brain, with brain and spinal fluid).

If you’ve never had that happen, you don’t want it too.  It was scary as hell.

Basically, I was strong and got shit done, and then I fell apart.

I felt like such a failure for that.  Ugh.  I’m okay now.

Stress is such a bitch, I swear.

So, I walked into my therapist’s office sat down and said “welcome to the shit show.”

At least I own it, right?
