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Being broke sucks!

I know a whole lot of people who say they are broke and in their own way, I guess they are.  But I get angry and bitter because they still have money to buy stuff.  I guess I shouldn’t judge, they could be way overextended on credit cards or whatever, but I still get mad. When my aunt tells me she is so broke that she has to sign up for Toys for Tots and then goes and buys a new wardrobe for her daughter, it really pisses me off.

I am so broke. My phone is shut off. My car is about to get repossessed (I had to take out a title loan to pay the rent), the gas and lights will be turned off any day. Rent is due next week and there’s not enough to pay that either.  Christmas just isn’t going to happen at this point. I did sign up for Toys for Tots and they are a God-send.

My child support stopped. My ex lost his job because he is stupid, but that is a whole other story.  I don’t get any type of support for my 2 year old.  He takes her on weekends and that does help a lot, but having to buy diapers and stuff is just too much by myself, especially because I don’t have a job. I have had jobs but because of bad things that have happened, when I work I have panic attacks thinking about my kids without me.  I do work part-time at a friend’s daycare, but $25 a week doesn’t do a whole lot.

I don’t know what to do anymore. I am drowning.  No money coming in and way too much going out.  I am in the dark and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.  I want to cry and scream and yell and tell everyone how bad it is over here.  I am so embarrassed. I am 30!  I have NOTHING to show for what I do or what I have done.  I don’t know how to fix it.

Being broke sucks!  It is draining trying to decide what to pay – what is important and what isn’t.

Heat or food?

A roof or a car?

These are decisions no one should have to make…

Bite Your Tongue

I’m sorry.  Right now, I cannot be a good friend.  I am not a good wife or daughter, sister, neighbor, niece or cousin.  I love you.  I appreciate everything you do for me and for my family.  But for now, everything I have, every smile I can eke out, every happy moment, belongs to my daughter.  I can’t give you what you want, not today and maybe not tomorrow either.  I don’t have enough for you.

My fear is all-consuming.  I am endlessly treading its dark waters.  Your well-intended positivity crashes into me, knocking me down before washing back out to sea.  Your genuine, heartfelt words of hope leave me salty-eyed, gasping for air, bracing for the next wave of “You’re so strong!” or “Kids are so resilient!”

Your generous offers to help are not falling on deaf ears, but I’m afraid my desperate cries for it are.  I can hear you happily proposing your casseroles, a walk in the park, an eager ”whatever you need!”  I’m sure one day I will very much need those things.  Today I just need simple kindness, compassion, companionship.  I need you to hug me and hold my hand.  I need you to stop worrying about the tasks on your list and just be with me, sit here and keep my head above water.

I realize nothing about this is convenient for you.  I know the closer you are to me, the deeper the water, the stronger current.  I’m sorry that you’re being pulled in, challenged, diverted from your regularly scheduled life.  But this is my nightmare and sadly, you’re in it.

so bite your tongue,
you’re not the only one
who’s been let down.

A Celebration

Well, Band, I felt the need to cheer myself on. And I realized, who better to celebrate with than The Band? The Band totally rallied for me before… they deserve good news.

So here I am. And here is a list of recent successes:

  1. I haven’t had a cigarette since Oct. 20th! That’s almost 5 weeks!
  2. I have a new friend. In real life! Finally!
  3. I’m starting to become the kind of mom I want to be.
  4. I’m branching out into the world again!

I crawled out of my hidey hole. I’ve reached out at church – and people are responding! I am not alone! And I’m ENJOYING the time I spend with my daughter! I’m laughing again! And having fun!

I still have rough bits sometimes, but I’m learning how to manage them better and not slide into the darkness every time.

I feel hopeful. It pretty much rules.

I can’t pinpoint exactly when it started or what started it. But I’m grateful and I want to celebrate. Even if this isn’t forever…it’s been a month or so of feeling good so far but I don’t expect permanence in my life. It’s good today.

Thank you, Band. Thanks for celebrating with me, and for cheering me on when I needed it.

Betrayed But Not Loony

There is nothing worse than knowing that the man you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with has betrayed you.

I still have the wrath of a betrayed woman.

You see, I’ve been through more than one betrayal. I’ve experienced one too many affairs in my short marriage, but I have managed to rebuild that broken trust over and over again. I have forgotten the pain over and over until one day it’s all too late and everything finally shatters to pieces.

Now I can smile. I am thankful that after nearly 7 months of trying to find a job after leaving the corporate world, after moving halfway across the world to be with that man with whom I thought was going to grow old with, I can finally smile again.

But tucked inside me is that bitter feeling that still pops up once in awhile.

There are always those little things that kick me in the gut. Things hurt like seeing other mixed couples and the way I seethe with jealousy inside thinking, “Let’s see how long this guy will stay faithful to his wife,” to a simple song that used to be ‘ours’ or just going to the places we went as a family.

Memories have been shattered. Dreams that were never fulfilled. A son lost the family he know. Broken and bruised – that’s how I still feel underneath all my smiles and laughter.

The pain is so unbearable sometimes that even when I think that I’m used to it, it sneaks in on me and ambushes me when I least expect it.

When I look at those young girls clinging to their boyfriends, I wonder how many of these guys ditched their families the way mine did. It pains me to see how some women have no respect whatsoever for themselves or their children.

How could he walk out on my son and I? The two who have been there for him? Granted, I wasn’t eligible for Wife Of The Year, but I did try my hardest and bent over backwards to save what was left of the marriage. Yet when I think about how one-sided the ‘repair work’ was or how much he had mentally checked himself out, I was left with no more strength.

My heart breaks for my son who hasn’t seen his father in months. His father is too drunk from lust for this much-younger woman so he never even calls his son. In the past 8 months, he has only called his son once and that’s because I begged him to.

Being betrayed by my husband with a younger woman felt like a slap! It crushed my self-esteem.

If she was beautiful maybe that would be a different story, but she will always be ugly in my eyes, not only because of her looks but because of her behaviors. She knew he was married and still went after him. She’s milking him like there’s no tomorrow, from having him pay for her online school, to opening up an online travel business, down to paying to set up her business website. He did it all while he said he couldn’t spare any money to pay for my son’s preschool.

If she was smart, maybe that would be a different story but it felt like a yet another blow reading her poorly constructed, doesn’t-even-make-any-sense English. How on Earth are they communicating? Is he able to carry out the same kind of discussions he and I used to?

It wasn’t until one of my close friends told me that he’s not looking for someone beautiful or smart. He picked someone who is much less than me so he could feel superior. It feeds his ego. Is that true? I don’t know. All I know is she’s a much younger girl, almost young enough to be his daughter and she’s single. She’s also tiny and petite!

But knowing how he had repeatedly cheated on me and on his first wife (yes, I called the ex and we compared stories which were shockingly similar) then it’s only a matter of time before he gets the itch to cheat again. This time, I will not fall victim!

It may take years to really mend myself from within, but I’ll take that road rather than driving myself to the loony bin with all the lies and deceptions.

Having A Rough Time

Duck is my husband. He is the rock in my life. He keeps me tethered to the earth when my mind might otherwise let me float away. But there are some negative things in our relationship. Some negative things in our lives. Things that are starting to break me down. Break his hold on me. I’m starting to get lost in my head again .

When I was a teenager, I was in a severely abusive relationship. He emotionally, physically, and sexually ripped me apart. He destroyed my physical well-being, my sense of self, and my sense of personal safety. He took away my strength. He took away everything I had.

I got out of there. It took years of leaving and returning, but I finally escaped when I was 18 after a near-death experience at his hands. I don’t talk about the years of my life that he stole. I try not to remember them. I try not to think about the fear he put into me. The fear that I thought would never go away.

My Duck, my wonderful wonderful Duck, made me feel safe again. My Duck is teaching me that I have value in the world.

But my life isn’t letting me feel that anymore. Duck’s mother lives with us. She’s going senile. And as she loses her grip on reality, she’s getting mean. Really mean. She uses a tone of voice when she talks to us that is the same as the Abuser used. She calls me names. Makes me feel insignificant.

How do I keep my fragile sense of self from breaking when I’m surrounded by the same sounds as broke me in the first place?