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My Kids Smell My Depression

wall. hit it. check that off my list for today.

trying to get them to school on time–wrong

trying to get them to eat–wrong

trying to get them dressed–wrong

trying to get them clean–wrong

zipping the jacket–wrong

having them not show up to school late–wrong

waking them up–wrong

waking up–wrong


My silence in my home is the only acceptable form of me to the three who need me.

The hardest thing about being a depressed mother? The odor. No matter how much relentless, caffeine-induced energy, forced enthusiasm, skilled application to educational crafts, or books read on development. No matter what care taken with my fragile mental health…taking my pills like a good girl every night so I wake up in the morning to do it all again. No matter how clean the kitchen sink, how nutritious the meal, customized the birthday presents, thoughtful the note in the lunch box. No matter how carefully I avoid repeating patterns of abuse and violence –no matter. I stink. It is as if my depression leaves a permanent, distasteful and toxic odor coming from my very being. No matter how much I dress it up, clean it off, put make-up on it, expose it to fresh air and aromatic therapies. I toss chemicals into it, paint it pretty colors, or force it into room-mommy scenarios.

It still stinks.

The fumes of depression seep out of every pore with the stench of decaying life and flammable, noxious fluids that lead to forensic evidence in my face–that my own mother chose my father over me and my father chose me over my mother. My children–they are bomb-sniffing dogs.They smell the little girl I was–discarded and thrown into the trash with the giant Gallo wine jugs. They smell the lack of basic import I have ever had on the mother, father, brother, and sister family of origin I fell into. They smell the dangerous mix of rage and intelligence that may combust at any moment. They smell despair and destruction. My kids smell my depression.

I stay vertical as to not hurt them more than I already have by exposing them to a life long…long life…with a chronically depressed mother. It goes like that…it is like that. New strategies on disinfectant, deodorant, dialogues on anti-depressants. Days like this are the scratch and sniff of it. These days scrape hard on my soul. And I reek of it.

They are out there…my kids are out there right now waiting for me to pick them up after school, as I do every afternoon in a dutiful attempt to assure them that my love is greater than the force of gravity on my heart. I am already dreading the predictable, palpable disappointment they will have when they get in the minivan and the smell of my mood reminds them I am not EVER going to be the bounce-house of distraction-filled fun that is their father.

They will never know he broke me too. Asshole. And I stayed for them, sleeping with one eye open and one foot out the door ever since. Seven years of a thirteen year marriage straddling suspicion and motherhood.

Against every fiber of my being to drive it off a cliff and enjoy the fall–I am getting in the fucking minivan, I drive on the right side…stop at all the red lights, avoid oncoming traffic whenever I can.

Joy gone. Independence gone. Creativity gone. Respect gone. The possibility of being touched by a man and feeling safe–he and my dad put the nails in that coffin, too. Yuck.

it is this always

i am barely, rarely, fairly ”good enough,” silent, and vertical.

and i smell like a martyr.

364 Days Ago

I picked up the key – my key – to the apartment my son and I would soon call home.

I tried to figure out just what I could take. If I took too much – or the wrong things – I feared the price we’d pay.

I made the reservation for a U-Haul, knowing that I didn’t have the money to pay for it, but that it was the only option.

I learned that my son had been suspended from school, on moving day – inappropriate language. I was hoping to protect him from the process of moving but now he would have to help.

I had $74.87 in my checking account that had to cover the U-Haul, gas, food, laundry and basic needs for the two of us for six days.

I was terrified.

I grieved the life I thought we’d have. The family I so desperately wanted.

I was convinced that he would see his abuse was the problem. That he’d seek help. That he would change. That we would be the family I knew we could be.

364 days ago …

The emotional damage I allowed him to inflict on my son became vividly clear within days of the move.The realization of just how damaged I had become would materialize much later.

It hasn’t been easy. Not a single day. I’ve tried to make the impact on my son minimal, but he has often had to do without.

I’ve had to apply for financial assistance to help offset the cost for him to attend church camp and youth fall retreat, sharing very personal information with complete strangers so that they could judge if we were worthy of their money.

I’ve had to file for bankruptcy, facing the public embarrassment of admitting I could not meet my financial obligations.

I’ve had to get food from a food bank, more than once – waiting in line for hours with those people – hoping I wouldn’t see anyone I knew, but never being quite that lucky. Feeling waves of humiliation and shame each time and never telling my son.

Many days I’ve felt like a charity case – a project for someone – not quite human.

Although we remain married, I suspect he will eventually find someone else who is prettier – smarter – more concerned with the image and the things so important to him.  When that day comes, I’ll be faced with the reality I’ve been avoiding – even denying.  The reality that confirms I wasn’t enough for him, and will never be enough for anyone – just like he told me years ago.

364 days ago …

It was the right thing to do.  It was the only thing to do. But I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t do it for myself.  If it weren’t for my son I’d have never left.  I still believe that I don’t deserve any better. That settling is my only option to combat a life of loneliness.  But my son?  My son?  He deserves better.

I wish I could have done it for me.

If It Doesn’t Hurt, It Isn’t Love … Right

I can’t believe it has been 15 years since I meet him. There are days it feel like it was just yesterday. I knew his past – his Dad killed himself when he was young and he rebelled. He still did things that you would expect a troubled youth to do, but that stuffed seemed to stop once we started dating.

I can’t really complain about the first year and a half of the 3 years we were together. We were a normal, young couple in love. Everyone thought we were a happy couple. Then I got pregnant. It wasn’t planned, but I was young and “thought” I was in love.

That’s when you started telling me how worthless I was. It’s also when you started to hit me. A punch in the arm here. A shove there. Then you started with my stomach. Told me I was stupid and I wasn’t going to have this baby. You forced me to have an abortion, which in hindsight I am glad I did, mainly because I think if I had carried this baby longer, You would have made sure it didn’t survive.

I was no longer allowed to see my friends. I feel into a deep depression and was heart-broken when you broke up with me. What to do with all of this new found freedom? Take a trip with my BFF of course!  Well, once you got wind of that, you had to have me back. Could it be the rumor that I was planning on moving with her to Florida, start a new life? Foolishly I agreed to meet you for lunch. I let you make me think you were truly sorry and wanted me back.

Things only got worse.  I had a curfew, had to sneak out to be with my friends, could only do what you wanted me to do. The beatings and verbal abuse got much worse the second time around. I remember the time I picked you up from work at one in the morning in the city and you beat me in my own car because I was listening to a mix tape of songs that my favorite cover band played. A stranger came up to the window as you were banging my head into the car window. He said he was calling the cops and told me to get out of the car, that he’d help me. You stopped hitting me long enough for me to drive away, only to start punching me in the legs the whole ride home.

If I loved you enough, you’d stop, I told myself. You told me how much you loved me.

You were only doing this because it’s what your Dad did to your Mom.

I started sneaking out to go out with one of my BFFs. I started having fun again, feeling like myself again. I cheated on you.  I found a great guy, at my favorite hangout, who I had known since high school.  He worshiped me. He told me how smart, beautiful and fun I was. It gave me my confidence back.

I got the nerve to leave you. I made sure to do it when everyone was home at your Mom’s house.You proposed to me, told me you’d already asked your Mom for her engagement ring your Dad had given her. I took all my stuff out of her house and moved right in with my new boyfriend. I lived 10 minutes from you for 3 years and you never knew.

To this day I live with the scars you left me, physically and emotionally. I have been on and off anti-depressants for 10 years. I have panic attacks when I am reminded of a bad beating. I freak out when my husband tries to kiss me (like if I am leaning up against the counter & he blocks my way out). I feel trapped, yet I know he would NEVER lay a hand on me.

Luckily I found REAL love with my husband. I told him EVERYTHING you did to me and he still loves me. I am damaged goods, but he loves me anyway. You told me if I left you NO ONE would want me. I can count on one hand the number of people who know what you did to me, but I need to get it all out.

I was a silly, young girl who believed I could change you. I now know, that you were the one who changed me. Not because you loved me, because what we had WASN’T love.

You made me stronger, no I made me stronger.

I survived the hell you put me through.

Hide The Remotes

I was never going to write on here. I was going to comment and offer support… but I was never going to write about how I felt.

“It’ll go away later,” I’d tell myself. “There worse things out there in life than feeling down every now and then.” “Everyone gets overwhelmed this time of year.”

But then I wonder if it’s worse than that.

I’ve always been relatively smart. My elementary school wanted me to advance to 2nd grade during Kindergarten. I was in Beta Club and always enjoyed school. Then, in the 3rd grade, my parents split up.I vaguely remember an incident where my dad hit my mom.  They got back together when I was in 6th grade. But, things weren’t going well.

We moved after 6th grade. My best friend had moved away a year earlier and I had a hard time making new friends in my new town. I was smart… and smart kids aren’t the cool kids. So, I dumbed myself down.

Things weren’t good at home, either. My parents were not happy and it showed. My mom had a meeting with my teachers my sophomore year to discuss my poor grades and my English teacher told her it was because I was bored with school. It was too easy for me, and I had given up. I had driven myself to the point that I actually told my mother that I wanted to kill myself. To this day, I cannot guarantee that it was an empty threat.

After we moved, everything about me changed. I became my mother… she gets upset too easily. She’s depressed. As far as I know, she’s not gotten help for it. She’s always telling me to stop getting “into tizzies.”

I’ve been in some bad relationships where I was used and cheated on and emotionally abused. I was called a “butterface” (everything is okay about her, but her face), ugly, and fat. I think the worst thing people made fun of me for was my nose. It’s on the larger side and now every time I look at myself in the mirror all I see is that damn nose. How it makes me far from perfect.

I’m engaged now and I love my fiance with all of my heart and I know he loves me, too…but there’s this voice that comes out every now and then and eats away at me. It says that he deserves someone beautiful and he’s going to find her and leave me. I trust that he loves me and won’t leave me… but that voice in my head won’t shut up.

The best way to describe how I feel is when you go to a store like Best Buy. And you go to the back of the store where all the TVs are, and you put each TV on a different channel and close your eyes. All those voices, all the things running through your mind – and I can’t make it stop.

I can’t even make simple decisions like what I want to eat for dinner. If I go to make a speech or presentation in class, I get so shaky I can barely stand up, let alone speak. In some classes I can’t understand the material, so I cry, and when Tony asks me what I don’t understand so he can help, all I can muster is, “I just don’t understand.”

What is the most important thing I don’t understand? Why I went from a smart, outgoing kid to someone who wants to hide in their room with the lights off.

And, then there are days when I feel great and nothing is wrong and I just say to myself, “it went away like usual. See? Everything is better. Sometimes people just get sad.”

Until that voice in the back of my head finds those remotes again

I Know The Truth

It’s been 11 years.

Today, I’m a married step-mom/grandma who has a very comfortable relationship.  Today, you are….what exactly?  In public, you’re a poet who worships women.  Back then I was dying for someone to love me.  Back then you were a predator who wanted someone to bend to your will.

Today we’re “friends” on Facebook.  It’s really not as big of a deal as I was afraid it would be.  You’re trying to portray yourself as someone who is spiritual someone who adores women. I know that to bash me would really kill your whole “women are to be worshiped and adored vibe.” Plus, if you ever tried to hurt me again, not only would I turn you into the police…again…but my wheelchair-bound husband could still kick your butt.

Because let’s face it…your prey of choice is those who can’t fight back.

But I read the things you write and it takes everything I have not to call “bullshit” on it.

You talk about sexually worshiping women, but the only person you’ve ever worshiped is yourself.  You couldn’t bring yourself to have intercourse with me because you “didn’t like it” and it was “too much work” so you insisted all we ever do was oral.  Then, when you got what you wanted, you would begin to criticize everything I did. You could have physically punched me in the stomach and it would have hurt less.

What would your little followers who think you are light and love think about that?

I won’t tell them. I know how it would make me look and I know that it would start a war against me that I don’t want to deal with.

Because the fact of the matter is, I am who I am because of you. I took your list and tried to make myself into that person.  I didn’t clean house enough, so I got up at 5:30 and cleaned before work. When I started gaining weight, I got up at 4:30 and exercised before I cleaned house.  Then, when I didn’t help enough with the “business,”  I would get home and work on the business until 9 or 10 PM. Then it was the sex.  We weren’t having enough.  So then I’d stay up until 11 or so and get sexually abused by you until I was either in tears or you had decided it was enough for the night.

I was wound so tightly that when I left the house I would fall asleep wherever I was.  Not a good idea at work. I’d lost so much weight that people were offering to feed me.  Then we had the fight and you said that you couldn’t see where I had done anything differently over the previous weeks.  Then you pushed me physically.  Which just happened to be a mental push as well.

Since then, no man has been allowed to abuse me. The husband is your complete opposite.  You quit your job and left me to support you because you didn’t like your boss. The husband hasn’t missed but two days of work due to his own illnesses in the last 10 years and he’s in a damn wheelchair! You criticized anything and everything.  He criticizes nothing.  You’d tell me you love me only to follow it up by a verbal drop-kick.  He doesn’t tell me he loves me very often, but he would never do anything to hurt me.

Now I read your posts and I roll my eyes because I know the truth. You lie.

You are not who these women believe you to be.  Not even close.  And if they get something out of reading how women are supposed to be worshiped and adored, great.  Maybe they need that.  Maybe that’s your purpose.

But if they ever meet the real you, then they’ll know the truth, too.