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It Scares The Hell Out Of Me

What is an addictive/dependent personality?

I don’t mean someone who really grows on you, I’m talking about someone who is easily influenced and can become readily addicted to or dependent on mind-altering substances. It can be drugs like cocaine, meth, and heroin. It can be prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Xanax, or a plethora of pain killers and muscle relaxers.  Maybe it’s alcohol that interferes with or has to be part of everyday life. Now take that person and throw in the occasional, and now more frequent, anxiety and panic attack.  What do you get?

You get the hell scared out of you!

Let me tell you first hand because dependency has been in my family for as far back as most of us can trace, and we are now finding out that the anxiety and panic issues have been in the family for quite awhile as well.

Have you ever been there?

I have and it scares me.

Have you ever felt your temperature begin to slowly rise for no apparent reason?

I have and it freaks me out.

Have you felt your breathing begin to get a bit shallower, each breath becoming more of a gasp than a serious breath?

I have and I just want it to go away.

Have you felt your throat dry and then begin to close, slowly sending you into panic mode?

I have and will hate it when it happens again.

Have you had to wonder what the hell this was all about when life really is not to bad?

I always wonder.  And really, what the hell is this all about?

The medication prescribed to combat such issues to me are often very addictive.

Now you have me.

I freak out for no apparent reason, then think about the little pill I am about to take.  If I continue to have to take them, it’s very likely I will be dependent on them.  Not taking them wreaks havoc.

I don’t mind the occasional sleepless night.  But when it happens, I pace around the house, then into the yard and then in the car with no where to go because it is 2 in the morning. Then I go back in the house. I don’t want to wake others up because I feel it’s wrong.  I don’t want the medication, but without it sleep, and a productive day, will be out of the question.

Shouldn’t I feel positive about the fact that there is a medication to help me through such time?  I don’t want to become dependent on the medication, but I really do want to sleep and enjoy my sanity.

One is just feeding off the other and it is just wrong.

Have you ever been there?

Are you there now?

Where do we go from here?

Deep, Dark Places

We all experience loneliness sometimes in our lives.This is loneliness to the extreme.

Please read her story:

I’m depressed. No. I’m not depressed. I’m extremely depressed.

I lost my job in October. My job, you know, the one that I hated but worked my ass off for. The job where I worked 50+ hours, made me miss time with my kids, and was so stressful that I often cried myself to sleep. The job that I had to cling to when my husband decided that he wanted to sleep on his cousin’s couch and smoke pot all day and night. And when he wanted to come back, the job that paid for his plane ticket.

We lost our house… My gorgeous 2,100 square foot house that I spent hours painting and sanding and cleaning. Gone. Now we are living in an extended stay motel, which is a fancy term for crack house.

My kids are back with my mom because it’s all I can do to scrape together enough money to feed them right now, and my company is fighting me for unemployment. South Carolina is an at-will state after all. At least I know that they are fed and warm, and safe.

My husband does nothing but bitch about me not having a job.

‘Scuse me?! Aren’t I the same woman who worked two jobs for over a year, while trying to finish my degree and raise three kids, because every job you found “sucked” and you usually quit around the time you got your first check? Aren’t I the same woman who supported you, through EVERY shithead thing you decided to do to me? Didn’t I take you back; PAY for you to come back when you left me for her. Twice?

He doesn’t look at me or touch me or tell me he loves me. He comes “home” and plays on Facebook before passing out. And so I sit, in this single room, every day and every night.


I lost most of my friends when I took him back this last time. They were tired of watching me go through this. So alone I stay.

And every night, while I sit here awake I think about how much better it would be if it all just went away. I no longer look at myself and see the slightly chubby woman who is raising three amazing kids and kicking ass at everything.

I see nothing but this horrible beast of depression. If my husband doesn’t want me, who would? If I can’t raise my kids, what’s the point? If I can’t work, what can I do? I am nothing. A void. Useless.

There aren’t any words anymore, and all I want to do is go to sleep, and not wake up. It seems that I’ve stumbled into this place and I don’t know how to get out.

My husband is against antidepressants. He says that they are a crutch. That I have to get through this on my own, because that’s what people are supposed to do.

I have nothing and I can’t do anything.

And every night I dream that I don’t wake up.

(ed note: Prankster, you are not alone. And you are loved. I’m not going to presume to tell you what to do, but you do know that you are depressed and you do need help You don’t have to do it all alone.I hope that you are able to find the help that you need.

We are none of us alone. You are so, so loved. Please remember that.)

Hi, I Used To Cut Myself

Clench my teeth
brief sensation of pain
Wait for it to come
it takes a second
Bringing with it relief
here it comes
Pain flows out
trickling down my arm
In little red rivulets
so warm and wet
I have no problems

That cheery little poem is mine. Oh, it’s from many years ago. Back when I was still living with my parents, in fact. That last line? Is total crap. Yes, the blood brought relief of some feelings, but the guilt and anxiety that was left every time I looked at the scars….yeah, sometimes even THAT was enough of a trigger.

I’ve been pretty up-front about dealing with Postpartum Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and major depressive disorder.

But, to add to the list of things that I don’t talk about, I’m also a cutter.

I probably ought to say “was”…..because I haven’t actually cut myself in years. But you know how some people say that they will always be a recovering alcoholic, and never recovered. It’s like that.

The urge to give in is there. It’s not my first reaction to bad news, anymore, but when I’m at my lowest, or most anxious, I still want to.

There are certain movies that I couldn’t watch all the way through for a long time, like Thirteen or Girl, Interrupted because they make me want to cut myself.

This is a big step for me. Other than my parents, one or two friends from way back then, and my husband and now half-the-freaking-internet, no one knows this. Come to think of it, I don’t know if I bother to tell my therapists. Yes, I know. I’m a horrible patient.

After I decided to stop, which wasn’t until I was pregnant with my first, AND it was totally selfish at first; too many doctor’s exams that required getting naked. I kept waiting to outgrow the feelings. You know, the way I outgrew angsty poetry, and emo-ish music? But I’m still waiting.

Still fighting.

Still coping.


Going Through The Motions

My daughter just got home from school and asked me what was wrong.  I told her “I don’t feel good” but I can’t really pin down what’s wrong or why I don’t feel good.

Ever since this morning, I’ve been so out of it. Just doing a sink full of dishes seemed like it took a huge effort. I managed to haul the laundry to the laundromat.  I plugged earplugs into my Blackberry, which I shoved into my pocket. I wasn’t listening to anything, but I didn’t want anyone to look at me, let alone talk to me.

I feel like this cloud is surrounding me. I can see glimpses of the sun at times, but it doesn’t last. Or it’s like I’m treading water. I’m doing what it takes to survive, but not much more.

The only thing that feels good is if I am alone, wrapped in a blanket or in bed. I go through the motions for my husband and daughter.  Mostly because I know they won’t understand.  And how do I explain how I feel when I don’t even know myself?

Maybe it’s the depression… maybe I need a different medication.  Maybe it’s hormones.  My period is due any day now, and I already know my hormones are all kinds of screwed up.

I feel alone when I feel like this. I want to talk to someone, but I don’t know who will understand.  Who will “get it”. Who won’t just think it’s all in my head?

In the meantime, I try to move forward. I try to keep going through the motions.

How Do I Make You Understand?

Sometimes, people on the outside have no idea how to help those with depression.

This is her story:

How do I make you see that being depressed is not something I have control over?  How do I make you see that when the darkness is creeping in, I feel alone and I need an anchor?

I can’t just “be happy”.  I can’t just change my negative thinking.  I can’t just change the fact that I feel like a failure.  I need a lifeline.

You are that person for me.  You are my rock, my oasis.  But that doesn’t mean that the darkness does not creep in.  It doesn’t mean the thoughts cease.

It does mean that I will cling harder to you while pushing you away.  And I hate that about me.  Because I love you.  Because I know you deserve better.  Because I know in the one year we’ve been together, I have come to trust you more than I have anyone in 16 years.  Because we’ve walked through fire together.

But my mind won’t let me see that enough.  My mind tells me, “He doesn’t love you.” “He will leave you.”  “You will be alone.” And instead of looking into your eyes and hearing you tell me you love me and planning our future together, I listen to the voices.  My mind isn’t trying to protect me.  My mind has gotten used to the negative thoughts and now thrives on them.

Unfortunately, the voices haven’t always came from my own head.  They’ve come from bad relationships.  Some that lasted only 10 months, one that lasted almost 6 years.  Six years of hell.  Six years that left me scarred.  Time may heal wounds, but the scars are still visible.  As the years have passed by, I have tackled one issue after another that I carry as baggage.  But I still have the depression.  I still have the anxiety.  I still have the fear.  And that’s when the darkness begins to creep in.  And the cycle begins anew….

I want to be a better person.  Not just for you.  Not just for my kids.  But for me.

But I need your help and your understanding that these walls are not about you, they’re about me.

Diagnosis Carousel

“Teenage hormones”


“Chemical imbalance”

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”

“Postpartum Depression”

“Seasonal Affective Disorder”


“Generalized Anxiety Disorder”

Since I was 15 years old, I’ve been diagnosed with one thing after another.

It’s like a revolving door. Or a carousel of diagnoses. Like a really bad carnival ride, where you just want off, but it seems like it won’t end. Ever.

Usually I get a new label because we’ve run through the gamut of medication that is supposed to “solve” one problem, only to find that none of them work.

Or I have changed providers.

So I fill out another 500 question sheet of paper, which of course has answers that are completely dependent on what day of the week it is, what time of the day it is and whether or not I got any sleep the night before.

Then after this highly scientific deduction process, I’m given a new prescription to go with my new label and sent on my merry way.

Only to fall flat on my ass at some point (and I do mean fall, like rock-bottom), and have to start all over again.

This is why I’m a big fan of saying that medicine alone is not enough. I fully believe medicine is a hugely helpful tool. But I also think that it needs to be in conjunction with some form of therapy.

Of course, that doesn’t explain why I haven’t managed to make it to my appointments with my therapist in the last couple months…